Techlamed is an Italian company that deals with high technology medical solutions for medical and veterinary use.
It was founded on 2011 with the scientific support of El.En. group, one of the most important laser manufacturer in the world. Techlamed bought the exclusive rights for the Holmium YAG laser usage.
The first application of this laser is in phlebology, with Sclerolux®, actually commercialized in Italy, France, Holland and Germany.
At the end of 2013, the Techlamed Spine line started up, and in 2014 it launched the new laser system Discolux® for percutaneous decompression.
At the end of 2015 Techlamed Spine lauched the new denamic percutaneous stabilization system Lobster® Project.
In veterinary, in 2013 starts the commercialization in the USA of the Artemis laser system, a diode laser at a wavelength of 1064 nm 20 W vanadate oscillate for the treatment of pain, tissue regeneration, the resolution of the blocks hepato-biliary trans-dermally and thermal ablation.